Il Cielo Africano
Ti guardo cielo
che stai sopra di me,
sembri un vetro,
uno specchio,
un non so che.
Un velo
da sposa trasparente,
sembri l'acqua,
sembri il respiro,
sembri niente.
Sembri un cappello
di colore celeste
ma così grande
che stai su mille teste!
(Equia, 9 anni)
The African Sky
The African Sky
I look at you sky
Hanging over me
You are a glass
You are a mirror
You are
...I don’t know what
The transparent veil of a young bride
You are Water
You are Breath
You are Nothing.
But you also are
A big blue hat
Big enough
To cover this and that
(Equia, 9yrs)
Last year I taught a free english course to school children in a very problematical district of Naples, there, as it is often the case, I found amongst so many issues also so much beauty and promises for the future. Amongst these promises I met, I was impressed by the silent but relentless work of the missionaries of Fr Arturo who are operative in many poverty stricken and troublesome areas in the world. When my course ended I decided to continue somehow to support their life saving work with a permanent fundraising acitivity. This is also where idea came from to rescue my old blog and transform it in a forum for people who come toghether to support each other in many ways, material and spiritual.
In the virtual world of blogs and social networks is all too easy to forget the real suffering of those who still live well below the poverty-threshold on our same planet, and of what we can do to relieve their struggle. This blog is a drop in the ocean, but together with your drops we can create a small oasis of love. Thanks for having paused a moment and thought about what seems so far-away and remote, and yet today more than ever is very close to us.
Donate to the "Opera Missionaria della Redenzione"
Thirty homes for bringing relief and professional training to the disadvantaged children in many third world countries - founded by Fr Arturo D'Onofrio.
The missionary work of Fr Arturo D'Onofrio was designed to take aid to Central America of the same type that he had offered to the abandoned and orphaned children of southern Italy immediately after the second world war.
The social and economical landscapes were not very different. The gamines, this is how are called the street children of central America, are a big and constant emergency in the metropolis of Latino America.
During the years, Fr Arturo and his missionaries visited Colombia, San Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico, but also India, where he founded many homes to improve the living conditions not only of street children, but also of the disabled, of the elderly and in general of all those who for being unable to fend for themselves, become marginalized.
Thus his help was not that of a lofty priest who comes and thinks that by proclaiming the Gospel and by blessing people has solved the problems of the needy and disadvantaged, his help brought concrete aid and relief. It consisted of the creation of new opportunities for people, especially the young ones for whom he built schools where they learnt a trade that allowed them to have dignified lives and a future.
How to donate:
PayPal or Credit Card
Post Office
In Italy at the post office you can do a "VERSAMENTO POSTALE" to account CCP 55683031
Beneficiary: Congregazione Missionari Divina Redenzione
Via Bank Transfer:
IBAN: IT 12 I 01010 40410 000027000003
Tax free donation
If you work in Italy you can take advantage of the charitable tax-free donations called the "5xmille" or "5 per mille" which means 0.5% of your salary is paid to the charity before tax:
5xmille: Associazione Padre Arturo D'Onofrio - C.F. 92037840631
You can buy a little booklet with poems by my young daughter, Equia (like the poem at the start of this page. With illustrations by my sons Richmond (Kojo) and Martin. Wonderful poems and illustrations, all profits will be given to the charity - click the pictures below for a preview...
Cost is €10.00 inc post & package